Sunday, June 17, 2012

Reflection #1

My attitude toward social networking/blogging sites has changed for the better in that I always thought of Twitter as more of an advertising gimmick or a place for teens to share their day-to-day minutiae.  Now I realize how beneficial it can be for sharing your ideas and gaining new ideas from fellow educators.  Additionally, I have learned to use many new applications, such as Diigolet.  Since acquiring this skill, I have utilized Diigolet in my other courses and even in my personal research. 

One thing I have learned about that I will not forget is the value of PLNs.  I have found numerous fellow educators in the same area of teaching as myself.  We have shared ideas and discussed different approaches and teaching styles, as well as worked out new and different ways to adapt mandatory assignments.  

I will apply what I have learned by sharing all the amazing online resources I have discovered with my students.  I hope to teach them to utilize technology so it works for them, not against them.  Technology can be simple, if you allow it.  As a speech communication teacher at the college level, I will have students start their own blogs. I will have them journal about any nervousness, concerns or excitement they have prior to speeches and then also, reflect on their speeches afterward.  I am also considering starting a wiki for each class so students can collaborate and help each other as they work through developing their speeches.  Additionally, I will recommend “Diigolet” for them to use during their research (can you tell that I am loving that application??). I am looking forward to discovering even more new and helpful technological advancements to improve my capabilities and share them with others. 

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